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Curriculum VitaeMay 2011 Ian Proudfoot Visiting Fellow |
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Main research interests:Literacy, printing, and colonial education in nineteenth-century Muslim Southeast Asia. Classical Malay manuscript literature and philology. Early Malay divination and time-reckoning, calendars, and the idea of Malay science. Academic qualifications:PhD (ANU) in History of Indian Religion, 1977. B.A.(O.S.) (ANU) honours I; University medal in Indonesian, 1967. Publicationsin the press:“Indian Calendars Translated into Old Javanese”, in H. Chambert-Loir (ed.), History of Translation in Indonesia and Malaysia, Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient / Jakarta: Yayasan Obor. “Malaysia - colonial period”, in C. Carpenter (ed.) The World and Its Peoples, London: Brown Reference Group. published:Books and monographs
The Journal of Alfred North, 1 August 1835 - 27 July 1836, transcription prepared 2007. Old Muslim Calendars of Southeast Asia, Leiden: Brill, 2006. Handbuch der Orientalistik. III. Southeast Asia, ed. V. Lieberman, M.C. Ricklefs, D.K. Wyatt, vol.17. 135pp. + CD-ROM “Takwim: Javanese and Malay date conversions”. The Print Threshold in Malaysia, Clayton: Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Working Paper 88, 1994. 69pp. Early Malay Printed Books, Kuala Lumpur: The Academy of Malay Studies and the Library, University of Malaya, 1993. xxvi, 858pp. Concordance to Hikayat Inderaputera: A Complete Lemmatized Concordance with Indexes and Frequency Tables, Malay Concordance Project, Australian National University, 1990. liv, 914pp. The Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka: Malay Myth and Oral Composition, Department of Indonesian Languages and Literatures, ANU, 1967 (mimeographed), 257 pp. Articles and chapters“Abdullah b. Abdul Kadir Munsyi”, Encyclopaedia of Islam (3rd edition), ed. G. Krämer et al., Leiden: Brill, 2007, part 1, 26-27. “Abdullah v Siami: early Malay verdicts on British justice”, Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society 80.1 (June 2007): 1-16. “Room to manoeuvre in the nineteenth-century Indies Malay press: the story of a Javanese Lieutenant”, Indonesia and the Malay World 102 (July 2007): 155–182 “In Search of Lost Time: Javanese and Balinese understandings of the Saka calendar”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde 163.1 (2007): 86-122. “Notes on the old Tengger calendar”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde 163.1 (2007): 123-33.
Tjrita-an dari satoe Letenant Djawa Annabel Teh Gallop & Ian Proudfoot, “Washing Dirty Linen in Singapore”, §48 in A Cabinet of Oriental Curiosities: an album for Graham Shaw from his colleagues, ed. Annabel Teh Gallop, London: The British Library, 2006.
The Stupid Merchant “Brushes with modernity on Batavia's horse tram 1869-1871”, RIMA Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs, vol.39, no.1 (2005), pp.129-187. “An expedition into the politics of Malay philology”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Malaysian Branch, vol.76, pt.1 (2003), pp.1-53. “The Ethnic Background to the Malayan Emergency”, Air Power and Wars of National Liberation, ed. Wing-Commander K. Brent, Proceedings of the 2002 RAAF History Conference, Canberra: RAAF Historical Section, Aerospace Centre, 2003, pp.109-116. “From Recital to Sight-reading: the Silencing of Texts in Malaysia”, Indonesia and the Malay World, vol.30 no.87 (July 2002), pp.117-144. “A ‘Chinese’ mousedeer comes to Paris”, Archipel (Paris), no.61 (2001), pp.69-97. “Malays toying with Americans: the rare voices of Malay scribes in two Houghton Library manuscripts”, Harvard Library Bulletin, New Series vol. 11 no. 1 (Spring 2000) [2001], pp. 54-69. “Historical Foundations of Hinduism”, Indonesian Heritage Series: Religion and Ritual (ed. J. Fox), Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, pp.42-43. “Historical Foundations of Buddhism”, Indonesian Heritage Series: Religion and Ritual (ed. J. Fox), Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, pp.50-51. (with V. Hooker), “The Malay Writing Tradition”, Indonesian Heritage Series: Languages and Literatures (ed. J. McGlynn), Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, pp.22-23. “From Manuscript to Print”, Indonesian Heritage Series: Languages and Literatures (ed. J. McGlynn), Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, pp.46-47, in the press. (with A. Kumar), “Chinese Manuscript Literature”, Indonesian Heritage Series: Languages and Literatures (ed. J. McGlynn), Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, pp.38-39.
“New Technologies and New Perspectives”, Indonesian Heritage Series: Early Modern History (ed. A.J.S Reid), Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, pp.128-29.
“Robinson Crusoe in Indonesia”, Asia-Pacific Magazine, nos.6
& 7, 1997, pp.42-48. “Ta'rikh (historiography) sec.3 Indonesia and Malaysia”, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edition, Leiden: Brill, 1960-[1997] (with V. Hooker), “Mediating Time and Space: The Malay Writing Tradition”, pp.49-78 of A. Kumar & J. McGlynn (ed.), Illuminations. The Writing Traditions of Indonesia, New York: Weatherhill, 1996. (with A. Kumar) “A Legacy of Two Homelands: Chinese Manuscript Tradition”, pp.201-212 of A. Kumar & J. McGlynn (ed.), Illuminations. The Writing Traditions of Indonesia, New York: Weatherhill, 1996. “The Decline of the Manuscript Tradition”, pp.253-256 of A. Kumar & J. McGlynn (ed.), Illuminations. The Writing Traditions of Indonesia, New York: Weatherhill, 1996.
“Early Muslim Printing in Southeast Asia”, Libri (Copenhagen),
vol.45 (1995), pp.216-223. “Penang”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993. “Major Library Holdings of Early Malay Books”, Kekal Abadi (Kuala Lumpur), vol.8 no.1 (1989), pp.7-17. “A Formative Period in Malay Book Publishing”, Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, vol.59 no.2 (1986), pp.101-132.
“Pre-War Malay Periodicals”, Kekal Abadi (Kuala Lumpur), vol.4
no.4 (1985), pp.1-28.
“A Pioneer Publisher in Palembang”, Kekal Abadi (Kuala
Lumpur), vol.1 no.4 (1985), pp.14-18. (with A. Dalby (ed.) & Ibrahim bin Ismail,) “Malay Lithographs collected by T.J. Chamberlain”, Cambridge Univesity Library, typescript, [1984], 10pp. “Variation in a Malay Folk-Tale Tradition”, RIMA. Review of Indonesian and Malayan Studies (Sydney & Leiden), vol.18 (1984), pp.87-102.
“The Early Indianized States of Southeast Asia: Religion and Social
Control”, in J.J. Fox et al. (eds.), Indonesia: Australian
Perspectives, Research School of Pacific Studies, Canberra, 1980,
“Interpreting Mahabharata Episodes as Sources for the History of
Ideas”, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the International
Association of Historians of Asia, Bangkok, 1979, vol.2,
pp.1168-1193; also in Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, vol. 60 (1979), pp.41-63. “The Evolution of the Ahimsa Ideal: One Case History”, Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Orientalists, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1976, pp.125-126 (abstract). Software and digital
Malay Concordance Project, Takwim [a browser-based application for converting between Javanese and Malay calendars and Western calendars, including rukyah dates emulating local moon sightings], 2000, 234kb — subsequently published on CD-ROM with Old Muslim Calendars of Southeast Asia, Leiden: Brill, 2006. AHAD [a Microsoft Word macro to convert Islamic to Christian dates and vice versa], 2002. Lemmatised Text of Hikayat Inderaputera, a Classical Malay Romance, with notes, Oxford Text Archive, Oxford Computing Centre, 1990. 1280kb. Takwim [a Macintosh application which interactively converts and reconstructs dates and numerological cycles in 28 variant calendars of the Western, Muslim and Javanese eras], with User's Guide, Faculty of Asian Studies, Canberra, 1987. 51kb & 59pp. AHAD [a Macintosh application which interactively converts Western and Muslim dates], released through ANU Apple Consortium, 1986. 25kb. |