Pelayaran Abdullah ke Mekah
text notes
list of words
    combined list of words in Abdullah texts
list of rhyme words



Pelayaran Abdullah ke Mekah


Amin Sweeney, Karya Lengkap Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munsyi, Jilid 1, Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia / École française d’Extrême-Orient, 2005. Naskah dan Dokumen Nusantara XX.


MS W 215, Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Jakarta.


text:  1854;    manuscript:  undated,   ±1860.


text:  en route Singapore to Mekah;    manuscript:  probably Singapore.


6883 words


to the pages of the underlying manuscript (1-24), indicated in Sweeney’s edition.


This text was kindly provided by Amin Sweeney

Editorial notes and bibliography
As expected, Sweeney provides a fine diplomatic edition.
His critical notes include a meticulous listing of variant readings comparing the Jakarta manuscript, the Singapore lithograph, and the Leiden manuscript.
Pelayaran `Abdullah, Koleksi van de Wall 214, Perpustakaan Nasional Republic Indonesia. [manuscript]
Kissah Pelayaran `Abdullah ke Mekah, Klinkert 63, Leiden University Library. [manuscript]
"Pelayaran Abdullah [ke Mekah]", dalam Cermin Mata, vol. 1 (2), vol. 1 (3), vol. 2 (4), Singapura: Bukit Zion, 1858-59. [lithograph]
Klinkert H. A. [sic = 'C'] (penerjemah) 1867. "Verhaal eener Pelgrimsreis van Singapoera naar Mekah, door Abdoellah bin Abdil Kadir Moensji, gedaan in het Jaar 1854." Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië 3e volgr. II: 384-410.
Kassim Ahmad (ed.), Kisah Pelayaran Abdullah, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1964
Added:  April 2006
A pre-publication digital text was provided by Amin Sweeney.  In case of any difference, the published edition is to be preferred.