Sejarah Melayu
text notes
list of words
list of rhyme words



Sejarah Melayu


A. Samad Ahmad (ed.), Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Melayu), Kuala Lumpur:  Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1979.


DBP MSS 86A, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.


text:  1356, revised 1612 an d subsequently;    manuscript:  1808.


text:  Johor;    manuscript:  Singapore  (formerly in the possession of Munsyi Muhammad Ali of Singapore).


94069 words, including 63 verses


to the pages (1-294) and lines of the DBP 1979 printed edition.

Editorial notes
The text of DBP 86A is closely paralleled by an undated manuscript DBP 86, also used by Samad Ahmad in his redaction.
The text commonly known as Sejarah Melayu  is represented in a number of versions.  A succinct account of them has been given by Roolvink, further dicussed by Braginsky.  There are significant differences between this version and the other well-known editions published by Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir, Shellabear and Winstedt.  One instance of divergence is that in this text Hang Tuah confronts Hang Jebat (thus agreeing with the story told in Hikayat Hang Tuah ), while in both Shellabear’s and Winstedt’s versions Hang Tuah's opponent is Hang Kasturi.  Other divergences are discussed by Samad Ahmad in the "Epilog" to his edition (pp.295-301).
V. Braginsky, The Heritage of Traditional Malay Literature: A historical survey of genres, writings and literary views, Leiden: KITLV Press, 2004 (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 214), pp.92-103 (dates and recensions), pp.186-198 (contents).
R. Roolvink, "The variant versions of the Malay Annals", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde  123:3 (1967), pp.301-324.
R.O. Winstedt (ed.), "The Malay Annals; or Sejarah Melayu", Journal of the Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society  16.3 (1938).
W. Shellabear (ed.), Sejarah Melayu (Malay Annals), Singapore: American Mission Press, 1896. Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir (ed.),
Sejara Melayu,  Singapore: [The Singapore Institution, 1842].
This text republished in roman script by:
T.D. Situmorang & A. Teeuw, Sedjarah Melaju, menurut terbitan Abdullah bin Abdulkadir Munsji, Jakarta/Amsterdam, 1952.
Added:  1999 - April 2000
Scanned for the MCP, and proofed to a degree.