Carita Bangka
text notes
list of words



Carita Bangka


E.P. Wieringa, Carita Bangka, Het verhaal van Bangka, Leiden: Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Asië en Ocianië, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1900. Semaian 2.


Or. 67, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Leiden.


text:  1861;    manuscript:  1878.


text:  Bangka;    manuscript:  Muntok, Bangka.


21335 words.


to the pages (51-123) and lines of the printed edition, thus:   Bangka 75:12.


This text is made available thanks to Edwin Wieringa

Editorial notes and bibliography
Wieringa presents a carefully edited text, which also notes significant variant readings in other manuscript versions of the text.
A — Or.68, KITLV, Leiden, dated 1861, in roman script.
B — Cod.Or. 2285, Leiden University Library, dated 1879.
C — [the manuscript text of Wieringa’s edition, described above]
E — H. 1198, KITLV, Leiden, dated ? ±1940, roman typescript.
Wieringa pays special attention to manuscript B, Cod.Or. 2285, Leiden University Library, dated 1879.  Some variant readings found in this manuscript are included in the notes.
It appears that the text was first compiled by the Temenggung Kerta Negara on Bangka in 1861.   Wieringa notes that the form of this first compilation, written in latin script, including an index, and spelling Dutch words in the Dutch manner, suggests that the text might have been compiled at the instigation of a Dutch official, or at least as a response to colonial conditions.
The text compiled by the Temenggung Kerta Negara begins thus in manuscript A (Wieringa p.9):
Olih Toemoenggong Kerta Negara jang bertanda di bawah ini di dalam tjerita asal kedjadian Poelo Bangka dan dari mana orang of [sic] manoesia jang ada di dalam itoe Poelo serta lainlain hal jang soeda djadi serta. Soeda dihimpoenkan dengan masingmasing ampoenja tjerita serta di ambil sadja sedikit sedikit maksoednja dengan pendik jang bagimana terseboet di bawah ini adanja.
Added:  January 2010
The printed edition was scanned in Canberra by the MCP.