Hikayat Maharaja Marakarma
text notes
list of words
list of rhyme words



Hikayat Maharaja Marakarma


Повесть о махарадже Маракарме / Факсимиле рукописи. Транслитерация, пер. с малайского, исследование, комментарии, приложения Л.В.Горяевой; Ин-т востоковедения РАН. - М.: Вост.лит., 2008.   [Povest' o maharadzhe Marakarme, (The Story of Maharaja Marakarma), Moskva, Vostoch. literatura, 2008. — Facsimile of the manuscript. Transliteration, translation into Russian, foreword, commentary and annexes by L.V.Goriaeva].


Manuscript C 1967 of the Saint-Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.


text & manuscript:  1844 or 1848.


text & manuscript:  Jakarta (Batavia), Pecenongan, the Fadli family lending library.


93721 words, including 68 verses.


to the leaves of the underlying manuscript (1a - 146a), disregarding the cover leaf.


This text was kindly provided by Lioubov Goriaeva

Editorial notes and bibliography
This text provides a sequel to Hikayat Marakarma (Si Miskin).  The relationship between the texts is explained by the editor in her edition of the text and article in Archipel.
For images of selected pages of the manuscript, see illustrations.
•  Lioubov Goriaeva, « La dernière hikayat malaise », Archipel: Etudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien, Paris, no. 61 (2001): 99-113.
•  Henri Chambert-Loir, "Malay literature in the 19th century: the Fadli connection" 87-114 of J.J. Ras & S.O. Robson (eds.), Variation, transformation and meaning. Studies on Indonesian literatures in honour of A. Teeuw, Leiden: KITLV Press, 1991. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 144.
Added:  December 2003
A pre-publication transcription of the text, with notes, was provided by Lioubov Goriaeva.  In case of any discrepancy between the MCP version and the published text, the published text is to be preferred.