Hikayat Marakarma (Si Miskin)
text notes
list of words
list of rhyme words



Hikayat Marakarma (Si Miskin)


Inon Shaharuddin Abdul Rahman (ed.), Hikayat Marakarma,  Kuala Lumpur: Teks Publishing, 1985.


appear to be a manuscripts from Sri Lanka.


text:  unknown;    manuscript:  1855.


text:  unknown;    manuscript:  Sri Lanka.


30434 words, including 32 verses.


to the pages (1-95) and lines of the printed edition.

Editorial notes
The text presented by Inon Shaharuddin is based on two manuscripts from Sri Lanka, one undated, but apparently copied late in the nineteenth century.  The Sri Lanka texts include some episodes not contained in the text edited by van Dissel, which was published in lithograph facsimile by van Ophuijsen. 
The story of Marakarma, or as he is more commonly known, Si Miskin, was popular during the latter part of the nineteenth century, being reprinted many times by Singapore publishers for the commercial market.
Hikayat Si Miskin / Hikayat Sultan Maharaja Marakarmah, Singapore: ? Bukit Zion, 1857. [multicoloured lithograph]
Hikayat Si-Miskin, ed. J.S.A. van Dissel, Leiden: Brill, 1897. [Arabic script, typeset]
Hikayat Si Miskin, ed. Ch. A. van Ophuijsen, Leiden: P.W.M. Trap, 1919. (Taman Poespa Anéka Warna) [Arabic script, lithographed]
Hikayat Si-Miskin, ed. Abu Bakar Hamid, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1965 [romanised, based on the edition by van Dissel]
Added:  1999 - April 2000
The printed edition was scanned for the MCP in Canberra using Recognita™ OCR.