Syair Sunur
text notes
list of words
list of rhyme words



Syair Sunur


Suryadi. 2004. Syair Sunur; Teks dan Konteks ‘otobiografi‘ Seorang Ulama Minangkabau Abad ke-19, Padang: YDIKM & Citra Budaya.


Schoeman V.41, Staatsbibliotheek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin.


text:  mid-late 1840s;    manuscript:  1850.


text:  Trumon, West Sumatra;    manuscript:  Padang, West Sumatra.


1177 words, comprising 246 verses.


to the numbered stanzas (1-62) of the published text.


This text was kindly provided by Suryadi

Editorial notes and bibliography
According to Suryadi:
Being a short text of no more than 62 stanzas, Syair Sunur was often copied along with other short texts in a single manuscript or collection, most often with Syair Rukun Haji.   There are indeed 9 such manuscript copies, 8 in the Leiden University Library.   Beginning with Snackey's printed edition in 1888, there have been at least another 5 full or partial printed editions.
The transliteration of Syair Sunur presented here is based upon the manuscript Schoeman V.41 in the Staatsbibliotheek Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. This mauscript is the most complete of the fifteen known copies of Syair Sunur. It has no defective verses and is written in a rather clear and legible hand. As stated in its colophon, this manuscript was copied by a certain Muhammad Yahya ibnu Abdul Talab. It is highly likely that the copy was made to the order of a European (Dutchman?) given the Dutch in the colophon. The copying was finished on 30 Jumadilawal 1266 ‘te Padang’ coinciding with ‘13 April 1850’. Thus the copy is quite old, and dates from not long after the original manuscript must have been written by Syaikh Daud at Trumon.
•  Snackey, Arnold. 1888. Sair Soenoer, Ditoeroenkan dari ABC Melajoe-Arab, Betawi:Albrecht & Co.
•  Suryadi. 2001. “Shaikh Daud of Sunur: Conflict between Reformists and the Syattāriyah Sūfī Order in Rantau Pariaman in the First half of the Nineteenth Century”, Studia Islamika 8,3: 57-124.
•  Suryadi. 2004. Syair Sunur; Teks dan Konteks ‘otobiografi’ Seorang Ulama Minangkabau Abad ke-19, Padang: YDIKM & Citra Budaya.
•  Suryadi. 2005. “Syair Sunur: ‘autobiografi’ seorang dagang Minangkabau”, Sari (Jurnal ATMA Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) 23: 177-203, available online.
Added:  October 2007
The digital text was provided by Suryadi, and adapted to the MCP format.