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Tambo Kerinci
A typed book, edited by P. Voorhoeve, containing pusaka texts of the Kerinci region, collected in 1941.
various, as listed below.
text: 0000; manuscript: 0000. text & manuscript: 0000
text: xxxx; manuscript: xxxx. text & manuscript: xxxx
00000 words. references:
to the pages (00-00) and approximated lines of the manuscript, to the pages (00-00) and lines of the printed edition, thus: TKci 00:00. Click on the reference to open the full text of the document.
This text was kindly provided by Uli Kozok
- Editorial notes and bibliography
- Voorhoeve’s book contains transcriptions of documents held as pusaka in the custody of Depatis in the Kerinci area. For notes on the contents and significance of these texts, see Ari Wahyudi’s notes on Celak Piagam.
- The documents surveyed by Voorhoeve are in Rencong script, Jawi script, and a few in Old Javanese script. Only those written in Jawi script have been added to the MCP corpus.
- Voorhoeve remarks on the transcriptions:
- Salinan yang di dalam buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, karena kebanyakan surat itu sudah rusak sebagian, tulisannya kurang jelas, ejaan orang dahulu kala tidak tetap, waktu pemeriksaan terlalu singkat, pekerjaan seringkali diganggu karena beratus-ratus orang mengerumuni hendak melihat barang pusaka yang jarang turun dari persimpanannya. ... Walaupun begitu, saya percaya bahwa salinan yang berikut ini buat sementara berguna juga.
- In Kozok’s retyping of the Voorhoeve transcription, the spelling was modernised and evident typographical errors were corrected, though some additional errors were introduced.
- In preparing the text for the MCP, further changes have been made. In particular, dialectal readings have been assimilated as far as possible. Thus Rajo Mudo is indexed as Raja Muda, kalapa as kelapa, and so on. The original readings can be found using the word list.
- In search results, click on the location reference to be taken to the full text of the document on Kozok’s website.
- References:
- Liaw Yock Fang, Sejarah Kesusasteraan Klassik, rev. ed., Singapura: Pustaka Nasional, 1982, pp.00-00.
- R.O. Winstedt, A History of Classical Malay Literature, 2nd ed., Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1969, pp.00-00.
- V. Braginsky, The Heritage of Traditional Malay Literature: A historical survey of genres, writings and literary views, Leiden: KITLV Press, 2004 (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 214), pp.00-00.
- Preparation
- Added: January 2011
- Voorhoeve’ original text was retyped under the supervision of Uli Kozok and converted to bring it in line with the spelling conventions of the EYD (Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan). Evident typing mistakes have been corrected in the process, but no other corrections were made unless indicated in the text.
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