Syair2 karangan Abdullah
text notes
list of words
    combined list of words in Abdullah texts
rhyme words



Syair2 karangan Abdullah


Amin Sweeney (ed.), Karya Lengkap Abdullah, jilid 2, Puisi dan Ceretera, Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia & École français d'Extrême-Orient, 2006.


KGTSyair Kampung Gelam Terbakar

Sya‘ir Negeri Singapura Terbakar, Singapura: Mission Press [1847] [edisi jawi cap batu].  Stanzas 1-132.

STSyair Singapura Terbakar

Bahwa ini Sya‘ir Negeri Singapura Terbakar sanat 1259 yaitu pada tahun Masehi 1843, Singapore: Mission Press. [edisi jawi cap batu]. Internal headings: Pantun Api di Kampung Gelam, Syair Kampung Tengah Dimakan Api.  Stanzas 1-363.

NYDMalay Poem on New Year's Day 1848

“Malay Poem on New Year's Day 1848”, The Journal of the Indian Archipelago, II.1 (1848): 81-82.   Stanzas 1-24.


KGTtext:  1830;    print edition:  [1847].

ST:  1843.

NYD:  1848




10615 words, comprising 2071 verses.


to the sequentially numbered stanzas of each piece, as indicated in Sweeney's edition.


This text was kindly provided by Amin Sweeney

Editorial notes and bibliography
A very full and circumstantial discussion of the texts, their contexts, and the scholarly attention they have attacted, will be found in Amin Sweeney's Karya Lengkap Abdullah, jilid 2.
Other texts and editions:
Shayar Nŭgri Singapura Tŭr-bakar, Singapura: Mission Press. -- a rumi edition of the jawi text.
C. Skinner, “Shaer Kampong Gelam Terbakar oleh Abdullah b. Abdul-Kadir”, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, XLV.1 (1972): 21-56. -- Sweeney shows that Skinner's text is far from diplomatic.
Added:  April 2006
The digital text was provided by Amin Sweeney, and adapted to the MCP format.  In case there is any discrepancy with the published text, the published text is to be preferred.