Hadiqat al-Azhar wa'l-Riyahin
text notes
list of words



Hadiqat al-Azhar wa'l-Riyahin


Hj. Wan Mohd. Shaghir Abdullah, Hadiqatul Azhar war Riyahin Syeikh Ahmad al Fatani, Pemikiran, Hikayat Imam Empat dan Para Wali, Edisi Kajian Jilid 1, Kuala Lumpur: Khazanah Fataniyah, 1992.


Manuscript from the personal collection of Mohd. Shaghir.


text & manuscript:  1889


text & manuscript:  Mekkah


5817 words.


to the pages (6-17, 28-49) and lines of the printed edition, thus:   HAR 39:7.

Editorial notes and bibliography
Mohd. Shaghir presents a survey of the work by Syeikh Ahmad bin Muhammad Zain al-Fatani.  He includes transcriptions of five selections which he finds relevant to the Malay world, namely:
1.  Pemikiran dalam bidang pendidikan ke arah kemajuan pelbagai bidang dunia Melayu — pp.19-23 of the manuscript.
2.  Hikayat Syeikh Aqa Syamsuddin dalam Perang Turki — pp.102-108.
3.  Kumpulan Nasrani membungkar kubur Rasulullah s.a.w. — pp.123-125.
4.  Perisitwa Syeikhul Islam Nasiruddin Laqani dengan Syeikh Abdul Wahhab Asy-Sya`rani — pp.121-123.
Together these amount to only 9% of the manuscript text, which runs to 157 pages.
At the back of his book, pp.58-213, Mohd. Shaghir also presents beautiful lithographed images of the manuscript, in red and black, showing the rubrication of the original.  Mohd. Shaghir states that this is an autograph manuscript (manuskrip autograf), thus hand-written by Syaikh Ahmad al-Fatani himself.
Mohd. Shaghir’s text is based on the manuscript.  He also notes some variant readings in four printed editions:
[1st ed.,] Mekkah: Matbaah al-Miriyah, 1307 (1889-1890), printed under the superintendance of Syaikh Ahmad al-Fatani himself.
2nd ed., Mekkah: Matbaah al-Miriyah, 1321 (1903-1904).
fragments of another, of place and date unknown, perhaps Istanbul.
3rd ed., Pulau Pinang: Persama Press, 16 Zulhijjah 1354 (1936).
4th ed., Pulau Pinang: Persama Press, 14 Zulhijjah 1377 (1958).
Liaw Yock Fang, Sejarah Kesusasteraan Klassik, rev. ed., Singapura: Pustaka Nasional, 1982, pp.00-00.
R.O. Winstedt, A History of Classical Malay Literature, 2nd ed., Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1969, pp.00-00.
V. Braginsky, The Heritage of Traditional Malay Literature: A historical survey of genres, writings and literary views, Leiden: KITLV Press, 2004 (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 214), pp.00-00.
Added:  December 2010.
The printed edition was scanned in Canberra by the MCP using Abbyy™ Finereader OCR, and its spelling slightly normalised.