Surat Ingatan Tengku Said al-Qadri
text notes
list of words



Surat Ingatan Tengku Said al-Qadri


“Surat Ingatan Tengku Said Mahmud Zaini ibnu almarhum al Habib `Abdurrahman al Qodri”, Surat-Surat Perdjandjian antara Kesultanan Riau dengan Pemerintahan2 V.O.C dan Hindia-Belanda, 1784-1909, Djakarta: Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, 1970. Appendix, pp.303-352.


document in Arsip Nasional.


text & manuscript:  27 April 1824 - 11 May 1824.


text & manuscript:  begun Belitung, completed Batavia.


8535 words.


to the pages (304-352) and lines of the printed edition.

Editorial notes and bibliography
The Surat Ingatan (Aide memoire) by al-Qadri is a report on his involvement in Riau affairs presented to the Batavia government.  It covers the whole time al-Qadri had been in Riau, from the time Wolterbeek intervened in 1818 up to 1824, describing events in Riau's political history.   It therefore covers some of the events also described in Tuhfat al-Nafis, folios 312-322.
Raja Ali Haji ibn Ahmad, The Precious Gift (Tuhfat al-Nafis), tr. Virginia Matheson & Barbara Watson Andaya, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1982. — the author appears as Engku Muhammad Zain al-Qudsi; folios 322-328 describe the delegation to Batavia, dated 1822.
Added:  November 2008
The text was scanned in Canberra by the MCP using Omnipage™ 16 OCR, and its spelling modernised.  The source was difficult to scan, and the software used, Omnipage, has proved unreliable.  Therefore the results have to be treated with caution.