Muhimmat al-Nafa'is
text notes
list of words

Text notes

MCP text

190: 3 [al-]fādil 'honourable'
passim a. h. (also intahā), 'this is the end'
132:10 ab`ad 'distant'
162:31 abyad 'white'
148: 5 adawat 'antagonism'
185:37 `afā Allāhu `anhu 'may God forgive him'
135:26 afiat 'good health'
136:36 ajam 'non-Arab'
153:30 ajnabi 'strange'
141: 1 akikah 'animal for slaughter'
179: 6 akilah (fem. of akil), 'sensible'
174: 3
al-hamdu li-Allāh (wahdahu) 'Glory to God (alone)'
130: 4 al-mahmiyyah 'the Protected' (epithet of Mecca)
190:11 al-rājī dawām al-`afw wa-jarayān al-qalam 'who begs for eternal forgiveness and flowing of the pen'
130:23 al-salāt wa-l-salām `alā sayyidinā Muhammad wa-`alā ālihi wa sahbihi ajmi`īn 'Peace and blessing upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions, all together'
186:32 alamah 'celebrity'
154:25 Allāhu Huwa 'He is God'
149: 9 am 'uncle'
`am 'general', 'common'
169: 3
amal 'practise'
144: 5 amil 'tax collector'
166:13 `amir 'cultivated'
passim ammā ba`du [introductory phrase]
164:29 ammah 'paternal aunt'
143:27 anaknya text has: orang lain
167:19 apakahtext has: a[pa]kah
142: 4 `aqrab al-mā´ 'lobster'
146:41 ariyah 'loan'
152:26 arsy 'compensation'
158:18 aryaf 'countryside'
150:12 asabah 'male descendants'
131:39 ashabat 'companions'
160:29 ashraqa al-badru `alaynā 'the full moon arose over us'
147:24 atas bint for Arabic: `alā l-bint; bint, 'daughter'
161:33 atasnyatext has: atas[nya]
184:33 atau .. suaminya dittography
151:12 aurat 'private parts'
178: 2 awla 'more appropriate'
187:26 ayam text has: lima
158:27 `azza wa jalla 'He is Great and Exalted'
140:25 bāb al-qard 'Chapter on the Loan'
152:25 badal 'replacement' (sc. of pilgrim)
140:23 bainah 'proof
131:40 bait al-māl 'Muslim treasury'
135:26 bala 'distress'
179: 6 baligha[h] (masc. baligh) 'legally adult'
167:29 bang text has: yang
168: 1 bang text has: yang
168: 3 bang text has: yang
174:32 banyaknyatext has: banyak[nya]
158:17 basyah 'pasha'
177: 2 berhampirtext has: berha[m]pir
183:23 berjumpa text has: bercumpa
183:30 berjumpa text has: bercumpa
158:39 berkeladi ? for gadai 'to pledge'
162: 6 berlintangnya text has: besar lintangnya
180: 5 bernamatext has: ber[nama]
136: 1 bersunyi perhaps: 'to live apart'; renders Arabic: tasarrâum; 'to take a concubine'
179:40 bi-tasarruf 'at one's free disposal'
147:33 bikir 'virgin'
131: 6 bina 'buildings'
130:33 buq`a 'piece of land'
152:24 da`if 'weak', 'unreliable'
160: 7 dam 'animal for slaughter'
132:25 daman 'guarantee'
149:11 darab 'to crumble'
175: 7 daripadatext has: [dari]pada
179:29 daripadanyatext has: da[ri]padanya
132: 1 daris 'teacher'
172:13 dawam 'continuous'
143:16 demikiantext has: [de]mikian
157: 3 demikiantext has: [de]mikian
138:32 dengan .. dirinya added from second edition
178:26 dhawāt al-haid 'the principles of menstruation'
164:35 dhawī l-arhām 'relatives of the maternal side'
172:35 dhimah 'custody'
151:37 dhimmi 'free non-Muslim subject living in a Muslim country'
142: 3 difda` 'frog'
132:40 digembalaitext has: dige[m]balai
154: 8 digetam Arabic equivalent is: hisād 'harvest'
174:11 dihimpunkantext has: [di]himpunkan
184: 1 disyaratkantext has: [di]syaratkan
176:41 ditanamkan text has: dikaimkan
156:18 duf 'tambourine'
168:19 dukhan 'smoke'
182: 2 dukhat 'dizziness'
136:34 dukhul 'introduction'
130:13 dukkān 'shop'
186: 6 empunyatext has: empun[ya]
149:21 farad sg. of faraid, 'distributive shares'
149:13 faraid 'distributive shares'
181:23 faraj 'vulva'
133:37 fardu 'duty'
138:29 fasakh 'annulment of marriage by the judge'
140: 1 fasid 'imperfect'
132:14 fasik 'sinner'
131: 1
fatwa text has: mufti
160:14 fidiah 'redemption'
139:16 filfil 'pepper'
154:23 firak 'difference'
145: 2 fitrah 'legal alms at the end of Ramadan'
152:35 fukaha 'jurisconsults' (pl. of fakih)
161:39 furu` 'applied jurisprudence'
132:39 gembalaitext has: ge[m]balai
144:13 ghalib 'the majority (of)'
141:20 gharib 'stranger'
148:16 ghayat 'intention'
170:25 ghina 'song'
143:30 ghirbal 'sieve'
160:26 had 'border'
144:33 hadanah 'alimentation'
131:10 hadath 'impurity'
135: 1 hafiz 'to learn by heart'
143:37 hait 'wall'
154:17 hajah 'necessity'
141:30 hajat 'to need'
passim hak 'right' (subst.)
142: 7 halallahtext has: halal[l]ah
148:34 hamil text has: hal
190: 4 hamisy 'margin'
170:32 harakat 'vowel'
151:35 harbi 'warlike'
139:10 hāshiya 'commentary on a book'
179:18 hasyafah 'glans'
165:12 hawadith 'events'
passim hayawan 'animals' (sg. of hewan)
150:28 hibah 'gift'
144: 4 hirath 'cultivation'
173: 6 ilā ākhiri 'and so forth'.
139: 5 i`adat 'return'
161:37 ibarat 'phrase'
143:31 ibu text has: itu
144:34 idah 'waiting period' (after divorce)
138:11 idahtext has: ida[h]
138:10 idah wafat 'waiting period' (for a widow)
130: 3 ifta 'fatwa-giving' (subst.)
164: 2 ihram 'pilgrim gown'
173:14 ijab 'formal offer of a contract'
152:28 ijarah 'rent'
147:33 ijbar 'compulsion'
164:12 dengan ijmal 'in general'
133:23 ikrar 'confirmation'
188: 7 ilāh al-ma`būd 'the Worshipped God'
173: 6 illā mā stuthniya 'except for what is excluded and so forth'
185:32 illat 'precondition'
166:10 imarah 'building'
166: 4 `imran 'inhabited land'
143:39 infirad 'isolation'
137:28 inkar 'contempt'
156: 2 innā anzalnāhu 'We have sent it down'
148:14 intahā (also abbreviated as a.h.), 'this is the end'
131:17 ism mufrad 'singular noun'
170:19 ismat 'protection'
179:31 istidrak 'correction'
185:33 istinja´ 'ritual washing of the private parts'
141:23 istitan 'residenceship'
170:32 isybā` 'lenghtening of a vowel'
143:18 i`tibar 'explanation'
134:30 i`tikad 'faith'
131:10 i`tikaf 'withdrawal'
186:17 i`timad 'confirmation'
143:19 ittihad 'unity'
142:18 jad 'grandfather'
144: 4 jadad 'young'
166:16 jadid 'new'
140: 5 jahil 'unaware'
134:32 ja´iz 'legally permissible'
131:17 jam` 'plural'
166:17 jam` 'to combine' (a prayer with another)
145:19 jariah 'slave girl'
144: 8 jiwar 'neighbours'
138:37 jum`at (= masjid jum`at), 'Friday mosque'
156:28 kabih 'disgusting'
141:30 kada 'decision'
167: 5 kafan 'shroud'
151:19 kafara 'compensation'
139:38 kaid 'to connect'
149:25 kaidah 'basis'
passim kaifiyah 'quality'
165:15 kami text has: kamu
184: 3 kari 'reciter' (of the Qur' an)
188: 6 karim 'noble'
147:12 karinah 'indication'
157:16 karyah 'village'
133:19 kasad 'aim'
160:34 kasidah 'poem'
167:28 kedengarantext has: kedengar[an]
152:10 keduanya from the Arabic: zuhr & satr
154: 1 kelari Arabic eqivalent is: rahn 'to pledge'
175:32 kesakitannyatext has: kesakit[an]nya
163:31 ketiadaantext has: ke[t]iadaan
165:10 ketiadaannyatext has: ketiada[an]nya
139:15 khalas 'afterbirth'
181:17 khalis 'refined'
185: 3 khaltat al-jiwār 'the intermingling of neighbours'
139:16 kharita 'bag'
155:21 khasat 'elite'
passim khatam 'to end'
178:11 khawas 'leading personalities'
157:43 khilaf 'disagreement'
146:20 khiyar 'legal choice'
136:10 khulu` 'divorce'
182:27 khums 'one fifth'
171:16 khushu` 'humility'
170:37 khusumah 'quarrel'
160:26 kiam 'standing up'
152:25 kimat 'value'
133:20 kinayat 'indirect expression'
150:38 kis 'gland'
151:40 kuffar 'unbelievers' (pl. of kafir)
kulpah (= kulup), 'foreskin'
163:35 kuniah 'patronymic'
passim kurnia 'reward'
178:21 kuru´ 'menstruation'
144: 5 la`at significance unknown to Kaptein
171: 6 lafaz 'expression'
170:25 lahn 'tune'
134:30 laki-lakitext has: laki[-laki]
165:32 lakit 'foundling'
156: 4 laylat al-qadr 'the Night of the Decree'
166: 6 li-anna fī zamān al-sābiq 'because of former days'
177:25 ma`dan 'mine' (subst.)
148: 6 mahar 'dowry'
185:34 makdum 'missing'
131:10 makruh 'reprehensible'
177:28 maksiat 'sin'
190:12 Malāwītext has: Malā[wī?]
140:26 malik 'possessor'
188:20 Malik 'the King' (sc. God)
145:28 mamluk 'slave'
184: 4 ma´mun 'reliable'
passim maram 'wish'
175:23 marhalah (pl. marahilah), 'a day's journey'
139:15 maruf 'known as' (adj.)
139:15 mashima 'placenta'
157:40 maslahat 'well-being'
144: 6 matalib 'requests'
144:16 mathalan 'for instance'
147: 1 mati text has: kata
155: 3 matlub 'required'; text has: mutlaq
152:22 maujud 'in existence'
145:17 memadaitext has: memada[i]
142: 6 membunuh text has: membutuh
147:35 menangis text has: manangan [sic]
180:22 mengambil better: kembali, for Arabic: radda 'return'
156:19, 20
mengisaptext has: mengi[sa]p
171:42 mengunjungitext has: mengu[n]jungi
151: 1 meninggalkan text has: menggalkan
184:31 menyempurnakan text has: menuncukki
135:30 meruntuhkantext has: meru[n]tuhkan
164: 2 mikat 'place to assume ritual pilgrim dress'
154: 9 Minangkabautext has: Mina[ng]kabau
166:38 Minangkabautext has: Mina[ng]kabau
148: 6 mithil 'something similar'
144: 5 mizan 'weight'
172:34 muaian 'certain (adj.)'
186:33 muakhaza 'evident'
179:25 mu`aridah 'kind of agricultural agreement'
167:29 muazin 'person who announces time of prayer'
131:11 mubah 'allowed'
153:39 mubasyarah 'to carry out'
136:36 mudarat 'harm'
164:26 muhakkik 'authoritative'
189: 8 muhrim 'pilgrim in state of ritual consecration'
130:11 muhtāj rahmat Rabbihi al-Ghanī 'who requires the Mercy of his Prosperous Master'
143:36 mujawarah 'neighbours'
146:15 mujbir 'compelling'
148:11 mukallaf 'obligated to preserve the rules of the Law'
135:41 mukarramah 'the Venerated' (epithet of Mecca)
140:37 mukhalif 'contradicting'
158:23 mu`kid 'concluder'
131:38 muktamad 'reliable'
144: 5 mulkih 'fertilizer'
178: 5 mumayyiz 'grown up'
144: 6 munad 'auctioneer'
190:12 muqaddam 'preceding'
158:16 murad 'wish'
166:24 murtaji`a 'a person who withdraws his wish to repudiate his wife'
161:34 musaharat 'relationship by marriage'
159: 9 musalli 'person who performs the prayer'
143: 7 musharrafa 'the Honoured' (epithet of Mecca)
134:25 mustahak (pl. mustahakin), 'entitled to'
162:11 mustakil 'independent'
141:43 mustaqirra 'sedentary'
172:16 mustawladah 'female who produces children'
141:27 mustawtin 'inhabitant'
144: 4 muta`ahhad 'custody'
144:18 mutabarra` 'to donate'
163: 5 mutakhirin 'modern'
158:22 mutlakan 'absolute'
141:10 muwakkil 'commissioner'
132: 7 muwalli 'client'
na`am 'cattle'
134:16 ..
.. 179:31
na`am 'yes'
160:10 nabat 'crops'
172:34 nadhar 'oath'
130: 5 nafa`a Allāh bi-hā `awāmm al-muslimīn 'may God bless the common Muslims as a result of it'
130:12 nafa`a Allāh bi-`ulūmihi 'may God be beneficial through his learning'
147:26 nafi 'prohibition'
162: 7 nahiat 'side'
142:30 naib 'replacement'
148: 6 nakad 'profits'
139:31 nas 'text'
161:36 nasab 'decent'
164: 3 nawwaytu al-hajj wa-l-`umra wa ahramtu bi-himā li-Allāh ta`ālā 'I intend to perform the haj and the `umra and I enter in the state of ritual consecration for both to hon our God Almighty'
143:31 nisab 'minimum amount of property liable to the payment of zakat'
137:41 nisf 'half
142: 4 nisnas 'fabulous animal'
173:30 nizam 'poetry' - poetry
169:27 nukil 'to transmit'
140: 1 nyata text has: tiada
170:18 nyata text has: tiada
181: 7 pahala. text has: jawabnya [!]
167:25 panjang text has: pancang passim
186: 6 pemerdehakaantext has: pe[me]rdehakaan
175:34 perbuatannyatext has: perbuat[an]nya
151:29 perkataan text has: perkatanya
165:17 perkataan text has: perkatanya
130:36 perkataannyatext has: perkata[an]nya
186: 6 permerdehakaantext has: per[mer]dehakaan
162: 5 pihak text has: f.a.h.q passim
162:14 pihak text has: f.h.i.q
162:15 pihak text has: f.h.i.q
159:14 punggungnya -- punggung 'bottom', pinggang 'waist'
166:17 qasar 'to shorten' (a prayer)
163: 2 qat`i 'definitive'
156: 2 qul Huwa Allāhu ahad 'Say: He is God, the One'
170:32 rā´ 'the letter r'
130:22 Rabb al-`ālamīn 'the Lord of the Universe'
160:30 Rabb fa-rhimnā 'Lord, forgive us'
166:25 radadtuhā ilā nikāhī 'I have returned her into my marriage'
131:39 radiya Allāhu `anhu 'may God be pleased with him'
146: 2 rahimahu Allāh ta`ālā 'may God Almighty have mercy upon him'
passim rahmat 'grace'
166:26 raj`at 'revocation of a repudiation'
169:38 raj`i 'revocable'
166:24 rajja`tuki 'I cause you to come back' (sc. into your marriage with me)
166:33 rajja`tuki yakūna kināya 'I cause you to come back, but this is an indirect declaration'
172:15 rakik 'slave'
188: 9 rasikh 'firmly established'
179: 6 rasyid (fem. rasyidah), 'grown-up'
130:33 ribat 'Sufi hospice'
135:23 rida 'voluntariness'
161:36 rida` 'foster relationship'
rikaz 'precious minerals'
159:20 rub` 'one quarter'
170: 1 ruju` 'revocation'
152:16 rumput text has: m.r.m.f.n, ? perempuan
149:14 ru´us 'heads'
136:19 sahih 'just'
141:29 saif 'summer'
passim sallā Allāhu `alayhi wa-sallama 'May God bless and preserve him'
149:34 sanaf 'sort'
140: 2 sarih 'clear'
130:33 sawma` 'hermitage'
148: 6 sekafu (= sekufu), for Arabic: `ala kufu, 'in equity'; kufu 'equal'
172:20 sekufu from the Arabic: kufu´ 'equal', 'adequate'
182:17 selesailahtext has: sel[es]ailah
152:13 sha`bi 'pertaining to the people' (adj.)
164:29 shakikah 'full sister'
188:25 sharat al-`aqd 'the conditions of the contract'
148: 3 sharh 'commentary'
173:26 sharih 'vulva'
142:29 shauka 'desire'
141:29 shita 'springtime'
170:17 shubhat 'judicial error'
142:14 siapakahtext has: siapaka[h]
146:22 sidaq 'bridal dower'
166:27 sighat 'formula'
149:11 siham 'portions'
155:22 sir 'secret'
160:38 sirwal 'trousers'
130: 7 subhānahu wa-ta`ālā 'God Almighty be praised'
149: 7 sudus 'one sixth'
142: 4 sulahfat 'turtles'
153:12 sulbi 'originating from one own's seed'
152: 1 sulh 'treaty'
140:31 sultan Arabic has: sultan kafir
142:36 sulus 'one third'
139:24 surra 'navel'
142: 3 surtan 'lobster'
passim ta`ālā 'He is most High', 'Almighty'
170:25 ta`allak 'to be connected to'
157: 8 taba`a jadīd 'new printed edition'
157: 6 taba`a qadīm 'old printed edition'
142:35 tabarru` 'donation'
167: 9 tabasi (sg. tabsi), 'cymbals'
167:25 tabl 'drum'
140:31 tadbir 'make obligatory'
143:33 tafsil 'division'
156:11 tahajjud 'nightly prayers'
140:12 tahlil 'utterance of the formula lā ilāha illā Allāh'
139:33 takfin 'wrapping up of the corpse'
165: 6 takhir 'postponement'
164:24 tala`ah 'to study'
169:10 talfik 'to follow another school of Law than one's own'
137:38 tamkin 'enable'
147:11 tamlik 'transfer of ownership'
143:38 tamyiz 'distinction'
167: 6 tanamnya text has: tangnya
172:18 tanbīh 'nota bene'
182:36 tanfus 'to renew' (?)
154:31 tarawih 'nightly prayers in Ramadan'
139:35 tartib 'to classify under'
134:17 tasaraf 'to (have the right to) dispose of'
165:10 tasawara 'to be shaped'
188:35 tashahud 'testimony of the faith'
149:11 tashih 'correction'
155:22 tashwish 'confusion'
145:35 ta`sib 'blood relationship'
134:11 taslim 'acceptance'
175:19 tasrih 'to make clear'
156: 9 tatawwu` 'voluntariness'
161: 7 taubat 'regret'
140:31 tauliah 'to appoint as governor'
138: 1 tayammum 'ritual cleansing without water'
134:16 tayyib 'all right'
140: 2 ta`zir 'to give a legal excuse'
155: 4 tertentu text has: tertunut
163: 9 thabit 'fixed'
144: 6 thaman 'value'
149: 8 thulth 'one third'
149: 6 thumn 'one eighth'
142: 4 timsah 'crocodile'
149:28 tubayin 'difference'
152:30 ujrat 'rent'
183:38 ummi 'illiterate'
178:10 `umūm balā´ 'general distress'
143:19 urf 'custom'
152:29 usūl wa-l furū` 'the basic and the derived principles (sc. of scholarship)'
169:29 uzr 'legal excuse'
132:14 uzur 'legal excuse'
133:11 Wa-Allāhu a`lam 'God knows best'
188:26 Wa-Allāhu a`lam bi-l-sawāb 'God knows best what is right'
188:33 wa-la-kum al-ajr wa-l-thawāb 'may you be rewarded and recompensed'
140:18 wadi`a 'deposit'
passim wafat see idah wafat
134: 5 wajh 'aspect'
131: 6 wakaf 'to stop'
136:33 waqa`a talāquhā '[then] she will be repudiated'
142:37 wasi 'heir'
134: 8 wasiat 'testament'
132:22 wati 'to copulate'
172:37 wikalat 'representation'
163:25 yā habībī 'O, my Beloved'
133:33 zahir 'visible'
151:12 zakar 'penis'
140: 1 zan 'thought;
143:28 zar` 'seed'
141:39 zarbunak 'spiral'
136:33 zauj 'husband'
134: 9 zaujah 'wife'
171:31 zifaf 'wedding'
152:22 ziyadah 'surplus'