Warkah dari Sailan
text notes
list of words



Warkah dari Sailan


as listed below.


texts & manuscripts:  1792, 1806, 1807, as below.


texts & manuscripts:  Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka).


2927 words.


to the manuscript letters (1-4), and to lines in the letters;   h = heading, c = colophon.


This text was kindly provided by Suryadi

List of manuscripts
1    Cod.Or.2240-Ia 11 [no.71]: Letter from Prince Meor Bacan Sadar Alam (Sadaralam) and Jagugu Bacan Kaicil Naim al-Din (Naimuddin), presently of Colombo (Ceylon), to the Governor-General and the Raad van Indië 12 Syaban 1206 / 5 April 1792; received at Batavia 12 June 1792.   [See Wieringa p.365]
2    Cod.Or.2241-I 23 [Klt 22/no.520]: Letter from exiled Pangéran Mas Dipati Mangkurat, presently of Colombo (Ceylon), to the Governor-General and the Raad van Indië, 25 December 1806; received at Batavia 17 February 1807.   [See Wieringa p.391]
3    Cod.Or.2241-I 24 [Klt 22/no.521]: Letter from Raden Tumenggung Wirakusuma of Surakarta, presently of Colombo (Ceylon), to the Governor-General and the Raad van Indië, 15 Syawal 1221 / 26 December 1806; received at Batavia 17 February 1807.   [See Wieringa p.391]
4    Cod.Or.2241-I 25 [Klt 21/no.526]: Letter from Siti Hapipa at Ceylon, widow of exiled Sultan Sultan Fakhruddin Abdul Khair al-Mansur Baginda Usman Batara Tangkana Gowa of Gowa, South Sulawesi, presently of Colombo (Ceylon), to the Governor-General and the Raad van Indië, 3 January 1807; received at Batavia 29 May 1807.  [See Wieringa p.391]
•  Suryadi, “Sepucuk surat dari seorang bangsawan Gowa di tanah pembuangan (Ceylon)” Wacana, Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 10.2 (2008): 214-243. — interesting contextualisation of letter 4, from Siti Hapipa.
•  Wieringa, E.P. (compiler), Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and other collections in the Netherlands. Volume one, comprising the acquisitions of Malay mansucripts in Leiden University up to the year 1896, edited by Joan de Lijster-Streef and Jan Just Witkam, Leiden: Legatum Warnerianum, 1998.
Added:  July 2008.
A pre-publication digital text was provided by Suryadi, and adapted to the MCP format.  There may be minor discrepancies between the MCP text and the published text.  In any such case, the published text is to be preferred.